
Ordering an appraisal from Real Analytics is easy. In fact, we strive to take the guessing game out of as much of the ordering process as possible. Below we have a list of the report types, the services we provide along with a base price as well as the value-added services to customize your own reports, and details of what the final product entails. If you don’t find what you need, contact us, and we will customize your very own valuation service the way you want it..

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Base price $75

For a quick estimated opinion of value in 1 – 2 business days.
No on-site observation is necessary. Must provide current exterior and interior pictures of the property and any additional property information. 

Local market synopsis.
At least three comparable sales (side-by-side but no adjustments).
A location map.

No value-added options. A Quick-Desktop is designed to provide a professional opinion of value in the shortest amount of time.


Base price $150

For a fast estimated opinion of value in 1 to 3 business days. But with more analysis and value-added options to customize your report and optimize your decision-making needs. No on-site observation is necessary. Must provide current exterior and interior pictures of the property and any additional property information. 

* Local market synopsis with analytical graphs and synopsis.
Site synopsis with highest and best use.
Market Approach with at least three comparable sales with adjustments.
Cost approach.
** Income approach (if applicable).
*** A location map and an aerial map.

* A market condition report that provides a more detailed analysis of the market area may be added to your report for $50.

** A rent schedule and rental map showing at least three comparable rentals side-by-side may be added to your report for $100. An Operating Income and Expense Statement may be added to your report for an additional $75. An itemized list of all expenses is needed unless the property is vacant.

*** A flood map that shows whether your property is in a flood zone or surrounded by flood zones may be added to your report for $25. Other maps, such as a plat map (if available), may also be added to your report for $25 each.

~Subject pictures (provided by you) and comparable pictures (sales, listings, and rentals) from third party sources may be added to your report for $50.

An After Renovation Valuation (ARV) may be added for an additional $100. An itemized list of improvements, a budgeted list of upgrades, or list of features and costs is needed.


Base price $250

Vacant Land

Base price $200

Sometimes a second set of eyes for an exterior observation of the property from the street is still needed for verification. A drive-by or vacant land service may provide you with an estimated opinion of value in 2 to 3 business days. Moreover, customize your report with value-added options to optimize your decision-making needs.

Exterior Only.
Must provide current exterior and interior pictures of the property and any additional property information. 
Property Data Collected from exterior observation for quality and condition.
Pictures taken of the front of the property and street.
Market area survey.

Includes: (*value-added options) (Note: some may not apply to vacant land):

Market area survey
* Local market summary analysis with analytical graphs and synopsis.
Site summary analysis with highest and best use.
Improvements summary analysis.
**Building sketch with room labels.
Market Approach with at least three comparable sales with adjustments.
Cost approach with site value and replacement costs (if applicable).
*** Income approach for Full Residential Reports with monthly rent and gross rental multiplier (if applicable). Note: Full Income has a rental section that comes with the report.
**** A location map and an aerial map. A rental map comes with Full Income.

* A market condition report that provides a more detailed analysis of the market area may be added to your report for $50.

**Enhance your building sketch with a 2D floor plan or a 2D and 3D floor plans with an interactive tour and more. See floor plan services below to learn more about how you can upgrade your report.

***Applies only to Full Residential: A rent schedule and rental map showing at least three comparable rentals side-by-side may be added to your report for $100.

***Applies to both Full Residential and Full Income: An Operating Income and Expense Statement may be added to your report for an additional $75. An itemized list of all expenses is needed unless the property is vacant.

****A flood map that shows whether your property is in a flood zone or surrounded by flood zones may be added to your report for $25. Other maps, such as a plat map (if available), may also be added to your report for $25 each.

> An After Renovation Valuation (ARV) may be added for an additional $150. An itemized list of improvements, a budgeted list of upgrades, or list of features and costs is needed.


Base price $450

Full Income

(2-4 Family)
Base price $600


(All Property Types)
Starting at $750

(Contact us to Request a Quote)

Description and Turn-Time:

For a comprehensive analysis with an estimated opinion of value in 2 to 5 business days. Customize your report with value-added options to optimize your decision-making needs.

Exterior and Interior.
Property Data Collected on-site for quality and condition.
Pictures taken on-site.
Measurement of the property.
Market area survey.

Includes: (*value-added options):

Market area survey
* Local market summary analysis with analytical graphs and synopsis.
Site summary analysis with highest and best use.
Improvements summary analysis.
Market Approach with at least three comparable sales with adjustments.
Cost approach with site value and replacement costs (if applicable).
*** Income approach for Full Residential Reports with monthly rent and gross rental multiplier (if applicable). Note: Full Income has a rental section that comes with the report.
**** A location map and an aerial map. A rental map comes with Full Income.

* A market condition report that provides a more detailed analysis of the market area may be added to your report for $50.

**Applies only to Full Residential: A rent schedule and rental map showing at least three comparable rentals side-by-side may be added to your report for $100.

**Applies to both Full Residential and Full Income: An Operating Income and Expense Statement may be added to your report for an additional $75. An itemized list of all expenses is needed unless the property is vacant.

***A flood map that shows whether your property is in a flood zone or surrounded by flood zones may be added to your report for $25. Other maps, such as a plat map (if available), may also be added to your report for $25 each.

>An After Renovation Valuation (ARV) may be added for an additional $150. An itemized list of improvements, a budgeted list of upgrades, or list of features and costs is needed.

Special Note: Final inspections and progress reports for ARV’s and New Constructions are $150 for each on-site visit. Recertification of value reports are $200.

Floor Plan Services

See below for details and pricing

Description and Turn-Time:

If you are uncertain about the property’s actual size or want to better market your property, but don’t need the value right now, then a floor plan service may be what you need. *In 1 to 3 business days, you can get the floor plan you need to optimize your marketing, advertising, and decision-making for renovations, features, or amenities you’re thinking about adding to the property.

Exterior and Interior.
Property Measurement performed on-site.


2D Floor Plan: ** Price $150

Room dimension
Black and white layout
GLA Report

2D Plus Floor Plan: ** Price $250

Total area calculation
Room dimensions
Fixed Furniture
Custom color layout
Interactive Tour
Home Report

3D Plus Floor Plan: ** Price $350

All from 2D Plus and…
3D Floor Plan with:
Colors and textures

* For rush jobs that need a 24-hour turn-time add $50.
** For complex floor plans and properties over 4,000 SF add $100.

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